
Getting started

Welcome to ChemAdder

Thank you for using ChemAdder. We consider ChemAdder to be a pioneer in the field of quantum mechanical spectral analysis and we have solutions that others do not yet offer. We hope that you like what we have done and are continuing to do. Quantum mechanical spectral analysis has never been easier!

About ChemAdder

ChemAdder program consists of two parts: ChemAdder and SpinAdder. ChemAdder is the more visible part of the program, the main user interface. SpinAdder is responsible for the quantum mechanical calculations in the analyses.

About this manual

This manual can be found in the website and in the program. It is not perfect, nothing is, but it should help you to get started.

ChemAdder is being constantly developed so there are times when the manual and help may not be up-to-date compared to the program. If you encounter any problems, or find something you do not understand, please contact us and we will look into it.

The content of the manual can be viewed here. In addition to that, you may find keyword index useful. If you find a term that you are not aware of, consider also to take a look at abbreviations and glossary.

A short aid to this help and its short cut keys for navigation can be viewed here.

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